EIVT Autumn Coffee Morning Saturday 21st October 2023
We have our next Coffee Morning scheduled for Saturday 21st October 2023 between 10.30am-1pm. Please feel free to come along to speak to the Trustees of Enfield Island Village Trust, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
YogaSix sessions on Thursdays at 10am Starting Thursday 26 October 2023 Includes chair based yoga and chair/standing dance At Enfield Island Village Community Centre, 40 – 42 Island Centre Way, EN3 6GS Behind Tesco near Library £3 per session, including refreshments Come along and try some gentle exercise! No need to commit to attending all…
Coffee Morning 13th July
We have our next Coffee Morning scheduled for Thursday 13th July 2023 between 10.30am-1pm. Please feel free to come along to speak to the Trustees of Enfield Island Village Trust, as well as the Property Manager for Rendall & Rittner who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Get Moving in 2018!
On the 22nd of January our weekly walking groups will begin. Open to everyone – all ages and all abilities – with the idea to get us all moving in 2018! The routes will vary each week, starting with walks along the river and around Gunpowder Park, and are open to suggestions from you. Meet…