On 14 November 2016 the Charity Commission discharged Con Alexander of Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP as interim manager of Enfield Island Village Trust. From this date, the board of trustees elected by the members on 14 July 2016 has taken over the management and administration of the Trust.
Since September 2015, when the Charity Commission appointed Con Alexander and Paul Ridout as interim managers of the Trust in place of the previous trustees, the interim managers have investigated the actions of former trustees, acted to protect the Trust’s funds and strengthened the Trust’s governance arrangements.
In particular, the interim managers prepared a new governing document (which was adopted by the Members on 14 July 2016) and arranged the election of a new board of trustees.
The interim manager regards this as a new start for the Trust. The Trust now has an independent and properly elected board drawing on a range of expertise, who will govern the Trust in accordance with a robust set of rules which have been tightened to avoid the problems previously suffered by the Trust from reoccurring.
The new trustees are Vincent Green (chair of trustees), Andrew Colledge, Paul King, Jegath Paramanathan, Mark Turner and Jacqui Bainbridge (who was appointed by Christian Action Housing).
On 28 July 2016, Paul Ridout was discharged as interim manager by the Charity Commission. Con Alexander continued as sole interim manager for the Trust and, since July, has been working closely with the new trustees. The new trustees have given up a very significant amount of their time for the benefit of the Trust and its beneficiaries and are working very hard to improve services for residents. The interim manager would like to thank the new trustees for their hard work and dedication.
Following a difficult period the Trust is now in a more stable position. The interim manager has confidence in the new board’s capacity to preserve this stability and improve the delivery of services for the Trust’s beneficiaries in the future.
Con Alexander
Interim Manager