Operating Information

Members and other interested parties can access important information about the operating of EIVT.

Note 19/9/2021: This set of pages and the linked content is currently being updated.

Board Meetings

The Board of Enfield Island Village Trust meets regularly.

Please click here to view schedule

Minutes of previous meeting are available here: Board meetings minutes

Annual General Meeting

The Trust holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year where members are invited to vote on important issues. The date of the next meeting will be published on the news page. The last few AGMs have been held in a evening in December; there are plans to move this to the summer.

Minutes from the last AGM can be found here: AGM minutes‎

Published Accounts

The Trust publishes its annual report and accounts for the period 1 April to 31 March each year.  The accounts are verified by an independent examiner.

Schedule of board meetings, annual general meeting and other important events