There are eleven positions on the Board of Trustees, split into four types of appointment. These are described below.
Trustees can only serve for up to four years (two terms) before having to step down; they can be re-appointed after a break of at least a year.
All Trustees have publicly stated that they have no intention of profiting or using their position as trustee for personal gain. They pledge to serve in the spirit of volunteering for the good of the Island.
Volunteers Required
Find out more about the role of a trustee. If you would like to volunteer as a trustee, we would love to hear from you.
We require five trustees at a meeting to be quorate and able to make decisions.
Elected Trustees
Six positions elected by the Members, all of whom must be Members of the Charity and no fewer than three must be Permanent Residents.
- Tim Dingle (Chair)
- Sam Coleman (Vice-chair)
- Laraine Hodgson
- Vincent Green
- Frances Connelly
- Mark Busby
Appointed Trustees
Two Permanent Residents appointed by the Trustees.
- Claire Salugao (Appointed: 01 April 2023)
- Dariusz Ludwinski (Appointed: 01 November 2023)
Co-opted Trustees
Not more than two additional positions co-opted at any time by the Trustees on the basis that they have skills and experience which are required by the Board.
- Chelliah Krishna Moorthy
Nominated Trustees
One person nominated by each of the following organisations (if such nomination right is exercised).
- Christian Action Housing representative – Vacant
- Enfield Borough Council representative – Vacant